Collection: Stanneman

Beer company Stanneman was founded by Erwin Vermeulen. After taking a course in zythology and some experimenting in the garage, a first test brew was commercialized: a pitch-black beer with a Russian Imperial Stout as the basic recipe. Because this beer was so much more than a normal double, it was called 'extra double'. 

In the meantime, Erwin had also made the decision to name all the beers after his son Stan. Stanneman Extra Dubbel was born.

It was also the start of the Stanneman beer company and since then not only beers such as the Silent Killer and Stanneman blond have been added, but the team has also been expanded with Tim and Joris. Tim is mainly concerned with sales and creative, while Joris is extremely strong in the business field with a mission. 

The goal: one day to brew the Stanneman beers in our own brewery. 

More information about Stanneman beer company can be found on the official website


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