Varia from the beer world

Koen Daalman - 18 September - 2024

The World of Trappist Beers: Dubbel, Tripel and Quadrupel

Trappist beer is a fascinating world, steeped in history and tradition. Often associated with Belgian breweries, these beers are not only a delight for the taste buds, but also a source of confusion for many. In this...

Koen Daalman - 06 September - 2024

What is West Coast Pilsner?

West Coast Pilsner is a unique type of beer that combines the characteristics of a traditional pilsner with the aromatic properties of an IPA. This style was born from the desire to create a refreshing, drinkable beer...

Koen Daalman - 30 August - 2024

The History of Chimay Brewery: A Guide to Trappist Beer

Chimay Brewery is one of the most iconic Trappist breweries in the world. Located in a picturesque area of ​​Belgium, this brewery has a rich history and a range of beers worth exploring. In this article we...

Koen Daalman - 27 August - 2024

Discover the Unique Flavors of Locally Produced Beers

Although the concept of terroir in beer is complex and sometimes difficult to define, it offers brewers an interesting way to create unique flavors and styles. By using local ingredients and production techniques, brewers can develop beers...